IDP lady

Start Working Differently: Round up of Days Four and Five

June 13, 2014

CEO meeting and Executive Board meeting


A huge thank you from the Start Team to everyone who has contributed to this week of events. We hope you’ll agree that it’s been a challenging, brave, thought-provoking and experimental week, and that we come to the end of Start Working Differently with a sense of renewed enthusiasm and commitment to the vision, and greater clarity on what it will take to get there.



Cementing the ideas from the Conference 

The CEOs met yesterday to formally approve the direction of travel for the Network. The group felt that the Network had reached a point where formal CEO oversight was no longer necessary, but were keen to remain engaged and use their influence where necessary to help the Network achieve its objectives.

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Drawing up a road map to take us there

This morning the newly elected Executive Board were tasked with making sense of the week and deciding what to do next. A dynamic session facilitated by Rachael Smith enabled them to make sense of the competing priorities and agree an action plan to address them. This included a plan for phasing the recommendations that emerged from the Conference to ensure that the members’ vision is realised.

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Mega week 2015!

We want to learn from our successes and failures this week to ensure that next year’s week of events is unmissable. We will be circulating a online feedback survey early next week, but encourage attendees to get in touch in other ways to let us know what you think. In the meantime, let’s capitalise upon the momentum we have generated and begin putting our ideas into action!
