Financial Enablers


The project aims to assist national actors in assuming a strong profile within the humanitarian system in-country that complements the role of the international architecture, building on the strengths of national actors while addressing existing gaps in knowledge and skills. Through flexible grants and a national-led capacity building  agenda, the project aims to provide national-led consortia of NGOs, CSOs and less ‘traditional’ humanitarian actors (such as research institutes, policy groups and large- and small-scale private sector enterprises) space for real autonomy and opportunities to be creative and develop their own solutions around humanitarian capacity development, whilst helping to consolidate and build upon the networks and partnerships they have already formed and collaborative response experiences they have had. Ultimately it is envisaged that these national-level consortia become strong, confident and representative enough to develop their own longer term operating procedures and to collaborate on further resource generation, and can begin to set their own agenda for collaboration with the international community.


Latest News


The governance structure and due diligence process were signed off by the DEPP Board at the end of April.  The recruitment for the Philippines Project Manager is soon to be launched and planning is getting going for the project launch with local actors in the Philippines.

Key Contacts


Christina Schmalenbach, Oxfam –

Michael Mosselmans, Christian Aid –

Oenone Chadburn, Tearfund –


Oxfam, leading a consortium including Christian Aid and Tearfund