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Be Safe: Strengthened Ebola communications in Senegal and Guinea-Bissau

November 20, 2015

Posted by in News.

Participants of training on preparing for and preventing Ebola, have created their own videos to communicate the dangers of the disease and how to avoid it.

Filmed in Creole the message of this video is “ Ebola is real “ and was based on several focus group respondents who did not believe that Ebola existed.

The training is part of the Be Safe project by CAFOD and Catholic Relief Services, which focuses on communications to contribute to the fight against Ebola and other water-borne illnesses and infectious diseases, such as diarrhea and cholera. The training and follow-up support is delivered by One Mobile Projector Training (OMPT). The team provided and introduced the mobile video projection technologies to influence behavioural change.  

As well as training, the project creates educational communication materials such as this comic book. The Comic Book, (in French and Portuguese) produced for all primary schools in eight target regions in Senegal and Guinea Bissau, aims to increase awareness of Ebola. Several copies will be available in each classroom for teachers, administrators and students  and additional copies will be distributed during events. 

This project is part of the DFID funded Start Ebola Virus Disease preparedness programme.

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