Start Fund crisis update: India and Pakistan
November 18, 2015
Posted by Helen James in News.
A summary of small to medium scale crises that the Start Fund has been alerted to, between 28 October and 15 November 2015.
Flooding in India
On Sunday 15 November the Start Fund was alerted by Christian Aid to flooding following several days of heavy rainfall in Tamil Nadu, India. As of 14 November, 56 people had been reported killed and at least 29,000 people had been evacuated, the majority from rural areas. The total number of people affected is not yet known.
Roads and bridges have been damaged, and several villages are reported to be cut off. Power and communication infrastructure has also been affected. Tens of thousands of houses have been damaged or destroyed.
Within 72 hours of being alerted the Start Fund’s project selection committee, which met in New Delhi, awarded £55,000 to CARE and World Vision for immediate flood relief activities including food, shelter, water and sanitation and non-food items such as bed sheets and cooking utensils. These projects will reach an estimated 5,600 people.
Read more about this crisis in the ACAPS briefing note.
Earthquake in Pakistan
On 28 October the Start Fund was alerted by Handicap International, Action Against Hunger, ActionAid, Concern, Plan International, Tearfund, Islamic Relief, Christian Aid, World Vision, HelpAge, Oxfam to the earthquake in Pakistan.
The 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck northeast Afghanistan, north Pakistan and some areas of Indian-controlled Kashmir, on 26 October, at 9:09 UTC time. The affected areas of Pakistan, more densely populated than those of Afghanistan, registered major damage, and casualties. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, in northern Pakistan, was the most affected, with at least 221 dead, and 1,664 injured. As of the 28 October the national toll was 268 dead, and 1,864 injured. Around 13,771 houses were damaged or destroyed.
Within 72 hours of being alerted the Start Fund’ project selection committee, which met in Islamabad, awarded £218,877 to Islamic Relief, CAFOD, and Concern, for emergency aid including shelter, winterisation kits (such as bedding, blankets, quilts and shawls) and hygiene kits (including soap, detergent and water purification tablets). These projects will reach an estimated reach an estimated 14,000 people.
Read more about this crisis in the ACAPS briefing note.
About the Start Fund
The Start Fund releases funds within 72 hours of being alerted and projects are implemented within 45 days. The Fund provides fast and early responses to crises, filling a critical gap in availability of humanitarian funds through traditional sources.
Summaries of each crisis response above will be available following completion of the projects.
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