Please select from the categories below or scroll down for the full list of resources
Start Build
Start Build portfolio
One page summaries of the Start Build projects that are currently active with funding from the DFID Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP)
Age and Disability
ALERT: Preparing to Respond Now
Shifting the Power
Talent Development
Transforming Surge Capacity
Protection in Practice
Linking Preparedness, Response and Resilience
Financial Enablers
Start Fund
- Start Fund Performance
- Start Fund Second Independent Evaluation August 2015
- Assessing the performance of Start funded projects and their influence on the evolution of crises.
- Start Fund Management Response to the second independent evaluation
- This document enables the Start Network to be transparently held to account for what is done in response to the recommendations provided in the evaluation.
- The Start Fund 2014 report
- A flagship publication demonstrating Start’s commitment to the use of evidence, performance excellence and continuous improvement.
The independent evaluation of the Start Fund Design & Build Phase
- We are grateful to evaluator and author Andy Featherstone for his thorough exploration of the Start Fund performance and design, and for sharing with us the wide range of recommendations contained in this report.
The management response to the independent evaluation
This document enables the Start Network to be transparently held to account for what is done in response to the recommendations provided in the evaluation.
Start Fund Practical Guidance -
Start Fund Handbook, 25 March 2014
A comprehensive working guide to the Start Fund, containing detailed information on the decision making processes and Learning Framework. This Handbook is updated regularly – please check back for the most recent version. -
Start Fund Project Application_NEW
Qualifying agencies may download and complete this form in order to apply for Start Fund grants. Start Network members and their partners are eligible. Please see the Start Fund Handbook for full details. -
Start Fund Practical Guide
A short guide to the way the Start Fund works, with a timeline of the activation process and FAQs.
Start Fund Infographics- The statistics and outcomes from the Start Fund activity to date, throughout the design phase and beyond.
- Start Fund Infographic: Two months in – June 2014
The Start Fund story after 6 months – September 2014
The Start Fund story after 9 months – December 2014
The Start Fund story after 12 months – March 2015 -
Start Fund responses: -
South Sudan, April 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Upper Nile/ Jonglei/ Unity briefing note -
Kachin, Myanmar, April 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Kachin briefing note
Development Initiatives Kachin briefing note -
East Africa, June 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS East Africa briefing note
Development Initiatives East Africa briefing note -
Sierra Leone, June 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Sierra Leone briefing note
Development Initiatives Sierra Leone briefing note -
Amran, Yemen, July 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Yemen briefing note
Development Initiatives Yemen briefing note -
Cameroon, July/ August 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Cameroon briefing note
Development Initiatives Cameroon briefing note -
Bangladesh, September 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Bangladesh briefing note
Development Initiatives Bangladesh briefing note -
Nepal, September 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Nepal briefing note -
Turkey, September 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Turkey briefing note
Development Initiatives Turkey briefing note -
DRC, October 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS DRC briefing note
Development Initiatives DRC briefing note -
Somalia, October/ November 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Somalia briefing note
Development Initiatives Somalia briefing note -
Nigeria, October/ November 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Nigeria briefing note
Development Initiatives Nigeria briefing note -
Columbia, December 2014
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Colombia briefing note
Development Initiatives Columbia briefing note -
Sri Lanka, January 2015
Crisis Response Summary dashboard
ACAPS Sri Lanka briefing note
Development Initiatives Sri Lanka briefing note -
Malawi/ Mozambique, January 2015
ACAPS Malawi briefing note
ACAPS Mozambique briefing note
Development Initiatives Malawi/ Mozambique briefing note -
Tanzania, March 2015
ACAPS Tanzania briefing note -
Yemen, April 2015
ACAPS Yemen briefing note
Development Initiatives Yemen briefing note -
Nigeria, April 2015
ACAPS Nigeria briefing note
Development Initiatives Nigeria briefing note -
Yemen, April/ May 2015
ACAPS Yemen briefing note
Development Initiatives Yemen briefing note -
Rwanda, April/ May 2015
ACAPS Rwanda briefing note -
Burundi, May 2015
ACAPS Burundi briefing note
Start Beta
Start Beta Strategic Framework
Start Beta Management Plan
Start Beta Incubator Operating Plan
The concept documents supporting our third work stream
- Learning by Doing: Start Working differently 2014 summary report
- More materials from Start Working differently, 9-13 June 2014
Bijay Kumar, ActionAid, ‘Capacity Building: A Field Perspective’
Annual Conference presentation -
Recommendations from the stakeholders
The full results from delegate voting at the Annual Conference -
Harry Wood, Humanitarian Open Street Map
Future of NGOs public debate ignite presentation -
Jerry Skees, GlobalAgRisk, ‘From Reactive to Proactive Humanitarian Response’
Future of NGOs public debate ignite presentation -
Laura Walker Hudson, FrontlineSMS, ‘Scaling Sustainability’
Future of NGOs public debate ignite presentation
Watch the short film from the Conference here.
Videos from the evening debate can be found on our YouTube channel.
How can Donor Requirements be Reformed to Better Support Efforts to Strengthen Local Capacity?
A discussion paper prepared by Start Network members -
Power & Politics: The Consortium-building Story Continues
The second case study written in collaboration with the Partnership Brokers Association, exploring the successes and challenges of facilitating the Start consortium since July 2013 -
Dealing with paradox: Stories and Lessons from the First Three Years of Consortium-building
An on-going narrative of the CBHA/Start Network’s experience of consortium building, led by the Partnership Brokers Association -
The Future of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Humanitarian Sector
A report written by the Humanitarian Futures Programme exploring the role for NGOs in an increasingly complex future -
Inception Submission
Suggestions for the inception of the DFID Humanitarian Emergency Response Review -
The CBHA Final Submission
The CBHA’s final submission to the Independent Humanitarian Emergency Response Review -
CBHA Response to DFID HERR Final Report
CBHA statement on the HERR Final Report
Annual reports
- Please return to the section soon to find the most recent resources for download.
Press and media
- Aid agencies back call for investigation into ‘horrific’ US attack on MSF hospital
An article by Mark Anderson in the Guardian - Start Network looks to parametrics & cat bonds for crisis response
An Artemis article looking at Start Network’s new funding mechanisms for humanitarian response - ‘The CBHA Early Response Fund (ERF)’
An article by Lydia Poole for Global Humanitarian Assistance - ‘Could an emergency fund help NGOs put the humanitarian house in order?’
A Guardian Blog post arguing for the Start Fund - ‘NGOs look to a new humanitarian funding model’
An article by Anna Jefferys for IRIN -
Voice Out Loud Newsletter
If you decide to download and read, please take the time to read the piece entitled ‘Reflections on Pooled Funds’ on page 14, written by HelpAge International’s Frances Stevenson. -
‘DFID to announce support for Start Network in World Bank Spring Meetings, April 11th 2014′
Press release for International Development Secretary’s formal announecement of plans to contribute up to £56 million to Start Fund and Start Build. -
An Open Letter to OCHA on NGO Pooled Funds, 12 December 2014
A letter from the Start Network Trustees in response to the Pooled Fund Working Group discussion paper “What OCHA could do to increase field effectiveness through enhanced NGO partnership”.
CBHA Pilot
- Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies Learning Paper Lessons from the first six months of the CBHA Emergency Response Fund
- Emergency Response Fund. Overview An overview of the two year Emergency Response Fund pilot
- Desk Review of CBHA’s Emergency Response Fund Performance An independent review of the ERF by Abby Stoddard
Core Competencies Framework
A summary framework to guide the conduct of humanitarian practitioners developed during the CBHA pilot -
Core Humanitarian Competencies Guide
A detailed framework to guide the conduct of humanitarian practitioners developed during the CBHA pilot - Oxfam Context Project
A CBHA staff development programme based on the Core Humanitarian Competencies -
Humanitarian Capacity Building Programme – Objective 1 Final Report
Final report from Objective 1 of the CBHA’s pilot capacity building programme